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Emergency outages implemented in 11 oblasts of Ukraine – Prime Minister

Authorities in Briansk Oblast report drone attack on district electric network

Zelenskyy: Electricity restored to nine million Ukrainians after large-scale Russian attack

600,000 residents in Kyiv Oblast are still without electricity

Electricity situation remains critical in Kyiv: supplier announces which neighbourhoods are the worst affected

Electricity is restored for 6 million Ukrainians in one day, but there are major problems with water - Zelenskyy

Half of Kyiv Oblast is still without electricity

Trolleybuses and trams stop running in Mykolaiv

Water supply restored in Kyiv, but a third of city still without electricity

DTEK resumed operation of damaged facilities in Kyiv: cold water will be returned to the entire capital and electricity in Troieshchyna

Kherson cut off from grid: Russia attacks city's critical infrastructure

Odesa residents will not be notified when to expect electricity supply to avoid tipping off Russian forces

Zelenskyy speaks about Staff meeting and situation on Odesa Oblast

Odesa authorities clarify previous messages on restoring energy facilities and need to evacuate

Over 1.5 million people have no electricity in Odesa Oblast alone – Zelenskyy

It will take more time than usual to restore power supply in Odesa

2,500 consumers left without electricity again due to shelling of Kherson

Drone attack: significant destruction of energy facilities in Odesa Oblast, thousands of consumers left without electricity

Air Defence repelled latest Russian attack on energy infrastructure more efficiently than previous ones

Ukraine's Security Service busts "power engineer" who redirected power to Russian military

Occupied Donetsk suffers electricity and communication outages

Zelenskyy: Impossible to restore 100% of energy system now but we are increasing generation

Water supply restored in Odesa, 90% of consumers have heating on

Day or two needed to stabilise energy system

One of DTEK’s facilities shut down due to damage caused by Russian missiles

Oleksii Danilov on the consequences of the attack by the Russian Federation and "know-how": There will be problems only in Odesa

Half of Kyiv region will have no electricity over next few days

Emergency blackouts to take place across Ukraine

Emergency power shutdowns implemented in Kyiv, Dnipropetrovsk, Donetsk oblasts

Kyiv and four Oblasts returning to stabilising power outages on Monday