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Russia blocks UN Security Council resolution condemning the "referendums" in Ukraine

Putin repeats his propaganda and orders crowd to shout "Hurray!" at rally

Zelenskyy holds meeting of Ukraine's National Security and Defence Council

Putin announces annexation of another part of Ukraine

Kremlin prepares for annexation ceremony and wants to capture entire Donetsk Oblast

Putin signs decrees recognising "independence" of Zaporizhzhia and Kherson oblasts

Russia will not receive new territory, but equates itself with the self-proclaimed "DPR" and "LPR" – Zelenskyy

Kremlin decides not to rush annexation of occupied territories of Ukraine

Putin not planning to make special address on results of sham referendums

Russia to create "Federal District of Crimea" headed by Dmitry Rogozin in occupied territories of Ukraine, sources tell journalists

Russian-appointed head of Crimea, Sergey Aksyonov, prepares "contract soldiers" for the war with Ukraine

Occupying authorities in Donetsk plan for 70% vote in favour of joining Russia in "referendum" — media

Russians send “referendum” organisers to Donbas but lack staff in the south – various sources

The dream of collaborator Stremousov: annexation of Kherson Oblast by year’s end

US diplomat: Russia has begun the formal process of annexing the Kherson region

Instead of a referendum, a poll: the invaders are preparing a backup option for"annexation" of Kherson region to the Russian Federation

Kremlin pretends that by annexing occupied territories of Ukraine it is giving them a choice

Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine gives advice to residents of Russian-occupied territories 

Russian senator hints at possible annexation of Kherson and Zaporizhzhia regions

In May, the Russians are preparing "referendums" on the annexation of Donbas - russian media

Zelenskyy’s party suggests a new security agreement for Ukraine

The Ukrainian Parliament majority Sluha Narodu Party has proposed to sign a new security guarantee agreement for Ukraine with the United States, Turkey, and Russia instead of NATO membership.

Anti-tank Hedgehogs to Be Installed on Administrative Border with Crimea

Khersonska Oblast has started the production of antitank hedgehogs which will be installed on the administrative border with the occupied Crimea.

Russia Recognizes Ukrainian Citizenship of Dzhemilev Junior

Russia has recognized the Ukrainian citizenship of Hayser Dzhemilev, son of the Ukrainian MP and leader of the Crimean Tatar People Mustafa Dzhemilev, who was taken to Russia, convicted and imprisoned.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs: 150 Ukrainian Convicts Transferred from Crimea to Russia

Approximately 150 citizens of Ukraine from the annexed Crimea were sent to serve their terms in Russian jails, according to the official reply of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the enquiry of Krym.Realii.

Yelchenko: Ukraine May Convene UN Security Council over Situation in Crimea

Ukraine’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations Volodymyr Yelchenko held an urgent press briefing on the situation in Crimea, following the actions of Russian law enforcement and the statements of Russian president Vladimir Putin.

Russia Restores Border Crossing with Crimea

The occupying Russian authorities have fully restored border crossings at all three checkpoints on the administrative border with Crimea, the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine reports.

Russian Authorities Seeking to Send Crimean Leader to Psychiatric Ward

A court hearing on compulsory hospitalization of Ilmi Umerov, the Deputy Head of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People, to a psychiatric ward for forensic psychiatric examination will be held on Thursday.

Crimean Occupying Authorities Asking Tourists to Stay Away

The occupying Crimean authorities are asking tourists to refrain from traveling to the peninsula in the coming days, according to the statement on the website of the Russian-controlled Kerch city administration.

Only One of the Three Checkpoints on Crimean Border Is Open for Crossing

At about midnight on August 8, the land crossing at Kalanchak checkpoint was suspended again on the side of the annexed Crimea, spokesperson for the Ukrainian State Border Guard Service Oleh Slobodyan informs on Facebook on Monday morning.

Russian Military Buildup Documented in Northern Crimea

A major buildup of Russian military equipment has been documented in the northern Crimean cities of Dzhankoi and Armiansk, and tanks and other weaponry are around Dzhankoi.