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US diplomat: Russia has begun the formal process of annexing the Kherson region

Friday, 10 June 2022, 20:14
US diplomat: Russia has begun the formal process of annexing the Kherson region


Michael Carpenter, the head of the US mission to the OSCE, said that the Russian authorities have begun the process of annexing Kherson Oblast, accompanied by human rights violations and breaches of international law.

Source: Suspilne, quoting Carpenter's comment


Quote from Carpenter: "Kherson in particular has become part of what I've called the Kremlin's laboratory of horrors. This is where we're seeing the Kremlin executing on their playbook of trying to absorb Ukraine into Russia. And we've seen elements of this playbook before. So some of this is sadly quite familiar. We still believe that the Kremlin is waiting for an opportunity to try to annex the Kherson region to Russia. We believe a sham referendum is one possibility."

Details: The American diplomat emphasised that the Russian occupiers are systematically arranging the torture of civilians in the occupied territories of Kherson Oblast.

Quote from Carpenter: "About 600 people, as has been referenced, are detained in the Kherson region in specially equipped basements serving as torture chambers.

We even have reports of their locations: for example, at the Kherson oblast administration building, or at school number 17 in Henichesk. That's where the Russian military is taking locally elected leaders, journalists, civil society activists and people who the Russians think have taken part in rallies against the Russian occupation."


  • Ukrainian military intelligence has information that the Russian occupiers are bringing their families to the occupied territories of Kherson region.
  • The Russians are also preparing to celebrate the so-called "Russia Day" on 12 June
  • The Kherson Oblast Military Administration has evidence that plans are underway for a referendum on the accession of the Kherson region to Russia.

The Security Service of Ukraine has intercepted conversations between Russian occupiers in which they say their commanders have given them permission to open fire on unarmed people at checkpoints.
