Ukraine will not extend agreement on Russian gas transit – Ukrainian PM

Artur Kryzhnyi — Monday, 7 October 2024, 15:35

Ukrainian PM Denys Shmyhal has reported that Ukraine will not extend the Russian gas transit contract after it expires in 2025.

Source: Shmyhal at a joint press conference with Slovak PM Robert Fico

Quote: "Ukraine will not extend the transit agreement with Russia after its expiry."

Details: Ukraine's strategic goal is to impose sanctions on the Russian gas industry and deprive the Kremlin of profits from the sale of hydrocarbons.

"We understand the acute dependence of some countries, in particular Slovakia, on this resource. But we are counting on gradual diversification of supplies," Shmyhal said.

At the same time, Ukraine is ready to continue fulfilling its obligations under the Association Agreement with the EU and the Energy Charter Treaty.

Read more on this topic: Ukraine is still pumping Russian gas and financing the war against itself. Will this continue in 2025?


  • Termination of the transit agreement between Russia and Ukraine on 31 December 2024 will have little impact on the strengthened European gas market
  • The Ukrainian government is not conducting official negotiations on the continuation of Russian gas transit after the expiry of the current agreement.
  • Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev expressed confidence in the outcome of negotiations between Russia and Ukraine to ensure the continuation of Russian gas supplies through Ukraine to several European countries.
  • Ukraine does not intend to extend the gas transit agreement with Russia, which expires in late 2024, and is ready to discuss the transit of gas from other suppliers through its gas transmission system if requested by Europe.

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