Ukrainians say they have not noticed any changes in government activities after new appointments

Alona Mazurenko — Tuesday, 15 October 2024, 10:30

A survey has shown that most Ukrainians believe that nothing has changed in the Cabinet of Ministers' activities, despite the new appointments.

Source: a survey by  Kyiv International Institute of Sociology (KIIS) conducted from 20 to 27 September

Quote: "There have recently been changes in the government of Ukraine and we asked respondents what changes they expect – whether the government's performance will improve, deteriorate or remain unchanged.

The overwhelming majority of Ukrainians, 74%, believe that nothing will change in the government's performance after the recent changes. Twelve per cent (12%) believe the performance of the government is expected to improve, and six per cent (6%) expect it to deteriorate."

Details: KIIS Executive Director Anton Hrushetskyi added that after the full-scale invasion, the attitude towards the government of Ukraine improved significantly, but then the population's assessments began to deteriorate.

Thus, in May 2024, only 14% of Ukrainians gave a good assessment of the government's performance over the past year (another 34% gave neither a good nor poor assessment, and 50% gave a poor assessment).

He added that there is currently neither significant enthusiasm for the changes in the Cabinet of Ministers nor categorical rejection.

For reference: The survey was conducted by KIIS from 20 to 27 September 2024, and, at the request of the NGO Forum Centre for Strategic Communications, questions were added about Ukrainians' attitudes to the changes in government and the establishment of a national unity government.

The study used telephone interviews with a random sample of mobile numbers to interview 1,001 respondents aged 18 and older living on the territory controlled by the Ukrainian government. The sample did not include residents of territories temporarily not controlled by the Ukrainian authorities (although some of the respondents are IDPs who relocated from Russian-occupied territory), nor was the survey performed with persons who fled the country after 24 February 2022.

Formally, under normal circumstances, the statistical error of such a sample did not exceed 4.1% for indicators close to 50%, 3.5% for indicators close to 25%, 2.5% for indicators close to 10%, and 1.8% for indicators close to 5%.

In times of war, a certain systematic deviation is added in addition to the specified formal error. However, sociologists are convinced that the results obtained retain high representativeness and allow for a fairly reliable analysis of public sentiment.

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