Electric public transport out of service in Kherson: Russian attacks damaged overhead power lines

Iryna Balachuk — Tuesday, 15 October 2024, 09:05

A Russian attack on Kherson has damaged the city's power grid and stopped electric public transport. A part of the Dniprovskyi district will be without power from around 10:00 to carry out emergency repairs at energy facilities.

Source: Roman Mrochko, Head of Kherson City Administration, on Telegram

Quote from Mrochko: "Attention, residents of Kherson! As of this hour, electric public transport in the city is not operating. The overhead power grid has been damaged by enemy attacks – the lines are disconnected in several places. Specialists are working to repair the damage."

Details: He adds that 20 trolleybuses are ready to start their routes and that the authorities will announce the resumption of traffic later.

Also at 08:38, Mrochko wrote that "part of the Dniprovskyi district will be cut off in an hour". This is necessary for emergency repair work at energy facilities.

"We are not naming the location for security reasons. Prepare in advance for possible power outages. Charge up your gadgets," said Mrochko.

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