Two-thirds of Ukrainians consider joining EU and NATO equally important

Mariya Yemets — Wednesday, 3 July 2024, 15:50

Two-thirds of Ukrainians believe that joining the European Union and NATO are equally important for the country's future.

Source: a large survey commissioned by the European Council on Foreign Relations, conducted in a total of 15 countries. The data was collected in May 2024.

Details: When asked whether joining the EU or NATO was more important for Ukraine, almost two-thirds of respondents – 64% – said they considered both directions equally important.

In addition to this predominant option, 15% answered "neither", 12% considered joining NATO more important and 7% preferred joining the EU. Another 2% said they weren't sure.

The survey also asked whether respondents would consider joining NATO acceptable if Ukraine accepted the loss of the occupied territories. Seven out of ten respondents consider this more or less unacceptable.

At the same time, 45% said they were ready to accept the loss of part of the territory – in exchange for preserving Ukraine's sovereignty, building strong armed forces, maintaining geopolitical freedom and the possibility of joining the EU or NATO.

A total of 26% answered that they would agree to liberation of territories in exchange for "demilitarisation", forced neutrality and refusal to join the EU.


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