Putin orders production of short- and medium-range missiles

Tetyana Oliynyk — Friday, 28 June 2024, 21:06

Kremlin leader Vladimir Putin said on 28 June that Russia should resume the production of medium- and short-range missiles and then decide where to deploy them.

Source: Putin at a meeting of the Russian Security Council

Details: He said that the United States was deploying its medium- and short-range missiles "in different regions of the world", saying that this "is a matter of concern and requires a response". Therefore, Russia allegedly "needs to start producing these attack systems" and then decide where to deploy them.

Russia suspended its participation in the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF Treaty) back in 2019, after US President Donald Trump announced the unilateral suspension of its obligations and the beginning of its withdrawal from the treaty.

But now, Putin said, the United States "not only produces these missile systems, but has already brought them to Europe for training, to Denmark".

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