Straight from combat zone to his son's birthday celebration: soldier's former colleagues post video of heartwarming surprise

Ukrainska Pravda — Sunday, 2 June 2024, 13:24

Polar explorer Oleksandr Knyzhatko, who had worked as a diesel engineer at the Akademik Vernadskyi station for a year before joining the Armed Forces of Ukraine, came straight from the front to wish his son a happy birthday.

Source: A touching video of the meeting was posted by the National Arctic Research Centre

Details: The son is now studying at the Drohobych Oil and Gas College. That's where the unexpected meeting took place.

It was a real surprise for Severyn: he ran so fast to hug his father that he almost knocked him over.

Now, Oleksandr Knyzhatko and his comrades are defending Ukraine on the Kharkiv front, where intense fighting continues.

Quote: "When you are at the front, you have to live one day at a time. All you are guided by is your military tasks and saving the lives of your comrades. However, your family is always in the back of your mind.

For about a month, I was waiting for the moment I was not sure about until the last day. To get on the train to unexpectedly meet my son on his 16th birthday. And in the end, my deepest wish came true," the soldier admits.

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