NATO approves plan to expand support for Ukraine after lifting Orbán's veto – media

Oleh Pavliuk, Roman Petrenko — Thursday, 13 June 2024, 17:38

On 13 June, NATO member states adopted the operational plan for enhanced support to Ukraine, which provides for a bigger role for NATO in the armament supply and training of Ukrainian soldiers.

Source: DPA agency with reference to sources in NATO; European Pravda

Details: According to the NATO-approved plan, in the future, the Alliance will be responsible for the international coordination of armament supply and training for the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Among other things, the plan provides for the creation of an analogue of the Security Assistance Group-Ukraine (SAG-U) by NATO, which operates under the European Headquarters of the US Armed Forces in the German city of Wiesbaden and includes about 300 soldiers.

The document was adopted through a written procedure on the sidelines of the meeting of the defence ministers of NATO member states in Brussels. It will be made public on 14 June after an official approval by the ministers.

As it is known, the adoption of the operational plan was blocked by Hungary for a long time, provided that NATO adopts all decisions after a consensus. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán referred to the fact that the Alliance’s initiative could lead to a "direct confrontation" with Russia.

But earlier, Orbán said that he had agreed with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg that Hungary would not block decisions in the Alliance regarding Kyiv, but it would not participate in supporting Ukraine, either. 

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