Explosions ring out in temporarily occupied Luhansk, Russians write about attack – photos, videos

Tetyana Oliynyk, Ivashkiv Olena — Monday, 27 May 2024, 22:07

Explosions were heard in temporarily occupied Luhansk on the evening of 27 May, followed by a fire in the city.

Source: Leonid Pasechnik, Russia-appointed head of the occupied part of Luhansk Oblast; ASTRA; local media

Details: The so-called head of Luhansk Oblast said that the city was hit by cluster munitions, which caused a fire.

The Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, law enforcement agencies and medics arrived at the scene. Information on the damage and casualties is being established.

Updated: Meanwhile, local residents reported that explosions had occurred near a military aviation school and an aircraft repair plant.

Russian propaganda media reported another attack on Luhansk at around midnight.

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