International partners allocate over US$700 million for humanitarian mine clearance in Ukraine

Khrystyna Bondarieva — Sunday, 7 April 2024, 16:16

Ukraine's international partners have allocated more than US$700 million for humanitarian mine clearance.

Source: Ukraine's Ministry of Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories on Telegram, European Pravda reports

These funds are provided for humanitarian mine clearance projects in Ukraine for 2022-2027.

Key contributors include the United States, Switzerland, Norway, EU countries, Japan, the Netherlands, Germany, and others.

In the future, to strengthen the mine clearance system in Ukraine, the government will deepen cooperation with the international and expertise community. 

Such coordination will be carried out through a sectoral working group launched in 2023, which brings together all of Ukraine's aid providers in this regard. It will also be implemented through the Mine Action Cluster, which was re-established in March 2024 and has become a platform for programme coordination of relevant parties.


  • In December, Lithuania presented an updated concept of the coalition for mine clearance in Ukraine. The mine clearance coalition includes both elements of humanitarian mine clearance of liberated occupied territories and combat mine clearance on the line of contact with Russian troops.
  • The first working meeting of the coalition took place in Lithuania in January.

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