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Russia used Kh-59 missile to attack TV tower in Kharkiv – photo, video

Monday, 22 April 2024, 20:12
Russia used Kh-59 missile to attack TV tower in Kharkiv – photo, video
Photo: National Police of Ukraine

Early reports indicate that Russia used a Kh-59 missile to strike a television infrastructure facility in the city of Kharkiv on 22 April.

Source: the Prosecutor General’s Office on Telegram; National Police of Ukraine

Quote: "According to the investigation, on 22 April at about 16:30, the Armed Forces of Russia launched a missile attack on a television infrastructure facility in Kharkiv.


The enemy likely used a Kh-59 missile for the attack."

Details: A pre-trial investigation into this instance of breaking the laws and customs of war has been initiated under the procedural guidance of the Kharkiv Oblast Prosecutor’s Office.

The prosecutors and police investigators are reported to have documented the consequences of Russia’s armed aggression.

According to local media, a television tower was hit. There has been no official confirmation of these reports.

Update: President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has confirmed in a message about a phone conversation with US President Joe Biden that the city's TV tower was attacked.

Quote: "I told President Biden about Russia's aerial terror with thousands of missiles, drones and bombs – in particular about the attack on the Kharkiv TV tower just a few minutes before our conversation. Russia clearly intends to make the city uninhabitable."

Details: The police shared photos from the scene.

Aftermath of the Russian attack on the Kharkiv TV tower on 22 April.
Aftermath of the Russian attack on the Kharkiv TV tower on 22 April.

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