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Security Service detains Russian agent assisting with planned missile attack on Odesa – photo

Thursday, 7 March 2024, 10:35
Security Service detains Russian agent assisting with planned missile attack on Odesa – photo
Photo: Odesa Oblast Prosecutor’s Office

Counter-intelligence officers of the Security Service of Ukraine exposed and detained a resident of Odesa recruited by the Russians who was helping them plan another missile strike on the city’s civilian infrastructure.

Source: Security Service of Ukraine (SSU); the Office of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine

Quote: "To 'circumvent' Ukrainian air defence systems during the strike, the occupiers instructed their accomplice to identify the locations of anti-aircraft systems in the regional centre. The aggressors were primarily interested in the possible coordinates of anti-aircraft missile systems in the coastal area of the city."


Details: Reportedly, the Russians also attempted to determine the presence of military vessels equipped with air defence systems in local ports. 


SSU said that the information obtained from the agent was planned to be "evaluated" by the Russians during the planning of new attacks on Odesa, involving the use of cruise missiles and Shahed drones.


It was determined that the resident of Odesa had been involved in intelligence activities since 2024. The detained agent relayed the information to her handler in occupied Sevastopol using the codename "Woodman."

The SSU systematically documented the criminal actions of the Russian agent from the start, allowing them to inform the command of the Defence Forces about the new threat of air strikes well ahead of time and prepare defences.

Currently, the woman is in custody, facing potential life imprisonment.

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