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Ukraine reclaims 100 bodies of fallen defenders

Friday, 15 March 2024, 12:31
Ukraine reclaims 100 bodies of fallen defenders
Stock photo: Coordination Headquarters on the Treatment of Prisoners of War

Ukraine was able to recover the bodies and remains of 100 dead Ukrainian soldiers.

Source: Coordination Headquarters on the Treatment of Prisoners of War on Telegram

Quote: "Another repatriation event took place, and 100 fallen defenders of Ukraine were returned to their homeland."


Details: According to reports, the return of the bodies of Ukrainian defenders was made possible by the cooperation of the Coordination Headquarters staff with the Joint Center of the Security Service of Ukraine, the country's Interior Ministry, the Armed Forces of Ukraine (Central Directorate for Civilian-Military Cooperation), the Main Directorate of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine, and other representatives of Ukraine's security and defence. In addition, the International Committee of the Red Cross provided assistance.

Following identification, the bodies and remains will be transferred to their families for proper burial.

Background: On 26 January, the bodies and remains of 77 fallen Ukrainian defenders were brought back to Ukraine.

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