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Russia claims strike on Belgorod, reporting killed and injured – video

Thursday, 15 February 2024, 13:28
Russia claims strike on Belgorod, reporting killed and injured – video
Photo: anonymous Telegram channels

The authorities in the Russian city of Belgorod claim that a strike was launched on the city in the afternoon, killing six people.

Source: Viacheslav Gladkov, governor of Belgorod Oblast; Roman Starovoit, governor of Kursk Oblast; the Astra Telegram channel; Russian Kremlin-aligned agency TASS; anonymous Telegram channels

Details: At around 12:20, an air raid warning was issued in Belgorod Oblast due to a missile threat. Air defence was responding over the city. The Ministry of Defence of Russia claimed that 14 reactive RM-70 Vampire projectiles from multiple-launch rocket systems were shot down in the territory of the oblast.


Local authorities report that six people have been killed as a result of the attack, including a child, and 17 people have been injured. They also claim that private houses and residential buildings, cars and a store have been damaged.

The Russian media and the Kursk Oblast authorities state that a shopping centre in Belgorod was struck. Telegram channels published the video of the strike.

The news was updated after being published

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