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Russian hit infrastructure facility in Lviv, injuring 3 people – photo

Thursday, 15 February 2024, 07:43
Russian hit infrastructure facility in Lviv, injuring 3 people – photo
Aftermath of Russian attack in Lviv on the morning of 15 February. Photo: Andrii Sadovyi on Telegram

A strike has been recorded in the city of Lviv during a missile attack on the morning of 15 February, hitting an infrastructure facility and injuring three people.

Source: Lviv Mayor Andrii Sadovyi on Telegram; Maksym Kozytskyi, Head of Lviv Oblast Military Administration, on Telegram and on air during the 24/7 national joint newscast
Quote from Kozytskyi: "Unfortunately, there are three injured people, but all of them only slightly. Two Kalibr cruise missiles were fired: one of them hit a small electrical substation in one of the residential areas. The substation is still on fire and this is currently being extinguished.

Another missile hit the ground near a residential area – windows in 16 high-rise buildings were smashed, and office premises and an employment centre located nearby were also damaged."

Aftermath of Russian attack in Lviv on the morning of 15 February
ALL photos: Andrii Sadovyi on Telegram

Details: In particular, a man and a woman who live in houses on Naukova Street were injured. They had cut wounds and received medical assistance on the spot. Another man was taken to hospital with a bruise to his brow.


Cars parked next to the residential buildings were also damaged.


Naukova Street was temporarily closed to traffic.

Sadovyi later added that early reports indicated that over 10 rockets were flying toward Lviv Oblast.


Quote from Sadovyi: "Air defence systems responded well to this attack, but we still have one hit on an infrastructure facility. The explosion shattered windows in residential buildings on Naukova Street, and a school was also affected. Emergency services are working at the scene. We are assessing the aftermath of the attack."


Details: He added that buses will temporarily run along Volodymyra Velykoho Street. Trams are running without changes. 

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