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Russia hits Sumy Oblast with attack drones, damaging community arts centre

Tuesday, 9 January 2024, 21:10
Russia hits Sumy Oblast with attack drones, damaging community arts centre
Iranian-made attack drone. Stock photo: Getty Images

Russian troops attacked a village in the Krasnopillia hromada of Sumy Oblast with two Shahed attack drones on the evening of 9 January.

Source: Sumy Oblast Military Administration

Quote: "They [the Russians] hit a local community arts centre. Private houses and power transmission lines were damaged. All necessary services are working at the scene."


Details: Information about casualties is being confirmed.

Update: Later, Sumy Oblast Military Administration added that air defence units destroyed another Shahed attack drone in the skies over Sumy Oblast in the evening. An air-raid warning was issued in the oblast, and it was caused by a threat of attack drones.

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