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Less than thousand residents remain in Avdiivka, evacuation continues

Tuesday, 30 January 2024, 22:41
Less than thousand residents remain in Avdiivka, evacuation continues
Photo: Vitalii Barabash's Telegram

There are 976 residents left in Avdiivka, Donetsk Oblast, where fierce fighting with Russian troops is taking place.

Source: Vitalii Barabash, the head of Avdiivka City Military Administration

Quote: "As of today, 976 civilians stay in Avdiivka. These are the people who have deliberately stayed under fire from the beginning of the "hot" phase of the war and refused to evacuate. There were more. But we are gradually evacuating people. Together with volunteers, White Angels and rescuers (White Angel is a police unit focused on helping civilians evacuate from dangerous areas – ed.)."


Details: He thanked everyone involved in the evacuation of civilians in one way or another.


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