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Russia deploys missiles to attack Kirovohrad Oblast but civilian infrastructure not affected

Sunday, 21 January 2024, 16:10
Russia deploys missiles to attack Kirovohrad Oblast but civilian infrastructure not affected
A map of air raid warnings

An explosion has rung out in the city of Kropyvnytskyi in Kirovohrad Oblast after the military warned that a missile was flying towards the city.

Source: Ukrainian Air Force, Ukrainian public broadcaster Suspilne 

Details: The Armed Forces of Ukraine warned the public of the threat of ballistic weapons being used by the Russians, and an air-raid warning was issued in Kharkiv, Poltava, Dnipropetrovsk, Mykolaiv, Kherson and Kirovohrad oblasts.


Later the Air Force reported that a missile was flying towards Kropyvnytskyi, and right away the media reported explosions in the city.

The authorities have not yet reported any strikes.

Updated: Head of the Kirovohrad Oblast Military Administration confirmed that Kirovohrad Oblast was attacked, but stressed that there were no casualties.

Quote from Raikovych: "Kirovohrad Oblast was under enemy attack again.

Fortunately, there were no casualties. Civilian facilities were not damaged."

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