Ukraine's Armed Forces kill 960 Russian personnel and destroy 30 artillery systems

Sunday, 31 December 2023, 07:44

Ukraine’s Armed Forces continue to defeat the Russians in its war of liberation against Russia. In the past day alone, they killed 960 invaders and destroyed eight tanks and 17 armoured personnel carriers.

Source: General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on Facebook

Details: The total combat losses of Russian troops between 24 February 2022 and 31 December 2023 are estimated to be as follows [figures in parentheses represent the latest losses – ed.]:

  • approximately 359,230 (+960) military personnel;
  • 5,977 (+8) tanks;
  • 11,070 (+17) armoured combat vehicles;
  • 8,464 (+30) artillery systems;
  • 943 (+4) multiple-launch rocket systems;
  • 623 (+2) air defence systems;
  • 329 (+0) fixed-wing aircraft;
  • 324 (+0) helicopters;
  • 6,591 (+37) tactical UAVs;
  • 1,709 (+1) cruise missiles;
  • 23 (+0) ships and boats;
  • 1 (+0) submarines;
  • 11,292 (+48) vehicles and tankers;
  • 1,268 (+8) special vehicles and other equipment.

The information is being confirmed.

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