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Ukraine's deputy police chief returns to work after internal investigation

Friday, 15 December 2023, 22:47
Ukraine's deputy police chief returns to work after internal investigation
Dmytro Tyshlek. Screenshot from a video

Dmytro Tyshlek, the deputy chief of the National Police, has been allowed to go back to work after an internal audit, conducted when journalists discovered possible links between him and Russia, found no reason to dismiss him.

Source: Ukraine’s Ministry of Internal Affairs in response to an enquiry from Tsenzor.NET

Details: The Interior Ministry told reporters that Tyshlek was suspended from duty for a month while the official investigation was being carried out. On 29 November he returned to service.


Quote: "The official investigation did not establish any evidence that Dmytro Tyshlek had connections with any criminal authorities, including those mentioned in the journalistic investigation."

Details: The Interior Ministry also noted that they had no grounds for giving Tyshlek a polygraph test, and he had not expressed any desire to take one.

Photo: Tsenzor.NET
Photo: Tsenzor.NET
Photo: Tsenzor.NET

Background: Bihus.Info, a Ukrainian investigative reporting outlet, discovered that as of this summer, Tyshlek’s wife had still not got rid of her Russian passport, and Tyshlek himself has been spotted driving cars and staying in properties owned by a Russian criminal gang leader.

After the investigation was published, Tyshlek publicly filed an application with the State Bureau of Investigation so that law enforcement officers would check the information published.

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