Ukraine's Commander-in-Chief speaks about evaders and reserves, points out gaps in legislation

Wednesday, 1 November 2023, 21:49

Valerii Zaluzhnyi, the Commander-in-Chief of Ukraine’s Armed Forces, names five priorities that Ukraine needs to survive in the war with Russia. One of them is the need to build up reserves.

Source: Zaluzhnyi, in his column for The Economist 

Quote: "My fifth and final priority is to build up our reserves. Russia has failed to capitalise on its hefty manpower advantage because Vladimir Putin is worried that a general mobilisation might spark a political crisis, and because Russia cannot train and equip enough people. 

However, our capacity to train reserves on our own territory is also limited. We cannot easily spare soldiers who are deployed to the front. Moreover, Russia can strike training centres. And there are gaps in our legislation that allow citizens to evade their responsibilities."

Details: According to Zaluzhnyi, Ukraine is trying to solve these problems. A single register of those liable for military service is being implemented, and it is also planned to expand the category of citizens who can be called up. In addition, a "combat internship" is being introduced, which involves sending recently mobilised and trained military personnel to experienced frontline units for training.

Read the column entirely: War is entering new stage, Ukraine needs technology – Ukraine's Commander-in-Chief

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