Polish President clarifies words of his Prime Minister on "termination" of military assistance to Ukraine

Thursday, 21 September 2023, 21:40

Andrzej Duda, President of Poland, said that the words of Mateusz Morawiecki, Prime Minister of the country, on the cessation of military assistance to Ukraine due to the need for rearmament were taken out of context.

Source: Duda, in an interview with the Polish television channel TVN24, reports European Pravda

Details: According to the President of Poland, "the words of the Prime Minister were interpreted in the worst way".

Quote: "In my opinion, the prime minister just said this: we are not going to give Ukraine new weapons, which we are now buying as part of the modernisation of the Polish army," he said.

Duda added that a few months ago, he met with Morawiecki and discussed military procurement for the Polish army.

"We both had the same position. We cannot transfer our new weapons, which we are now buying for billions of dollars for the Polish army to strengthen it and strengthen the security of Poland, to anyone else. To no one," the Polish president emphasised.

"I myself will be the first to oppose the transfer of these new weapons that we are now receiving from South Korea or the United States, for example, new Abrams, Patriot systems, or HIMARS," he admitted.

At the same time, those contracts on Polish weapons that Poland signed with Ukraine, – for example, on the supply of Krab self-propelled artillery, – will be fulfilled.

Background: On 20 September, Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said that Warsaw is now focused on rearming its own army and therefore is not supplying its military aid to Kyiv.

Morawiecki's statements were made against a background of tension in the relations between Warsaw and Kyiv, related to unilateral Polish restrictions on Ukrainian agricultural products and Ukraine's actions in response.

Soon after, the Polish government stated that Warsaw is currently only carrying out pre-agreed deliveries of ammunition and weapons, including those under contracts with Ukraine.

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