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Ukrainian border guards reveal areas where Russia sends most sabotage and reconnaissance groups

Monday, 7 August 2023, 12:54
Ukrainian border guards reveal areas where Russia sends most sabotage and reconnaissance groups
Stock photo: SBGS

The Ukrainian State Border Guard Service (SBGS) has reported no observed Russian sabotage and reconnaissance groups (SRGs) on the border with Belarus, although they are present on the borders with Russia in Ukraine’s Sumy and Chernihiv oblasts.

Source: Colonel Andrii Demchenko, Spokesman for the SBGS, during the national joint 24/7 newscast

Quote: "We see that the enemy is trying to use sabotage and reconnaissance groups, especially directly along its border with Ukraine. As for the border with Belarus, we do not observe any enemy sabotage and reconnaissance groups in this area; unfortunately, the enemy is trying to use such groups along its border with Ukraine, especially in Sumy Oblast.

There were also attempts to use sabotage and reconnaissance groups in Chernihiv Oblast when they entered the territory of Ukraine – primarily, of course, to identify the positions of Ukraine's defence forces, but also to carry out various attacks, which, unfortunately, also target civilians.

This goes in addition to the daily Russian bombardments of Ukrainian territory in this area."

Details: Demchenko added that border patrols had reported about 500 attacks on Ukraine since the beginning of August, carried out by the Russians from their territory using a variety of weapons.

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