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Russia strikes on Motor Sich plant and Khmelnytskyi Oblast – Zelenskyy

Saturday, 5 August 2023, 21:14
Russia strikes on Motor Sich plant and Khmelnytskyi Oblast – Zelenskyy
Volodymyr Zelenskyy. Photo by President’s Office

On Saturday evening, the Russians attacked the Motor Sich enterprise in Zaporizhzhia, as well as Khmelnytskyi Oblast.

Source: President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in his evening video address

Quote: "Today there was another Russian missile raid against our state. Kinzhal and Kalibr missiles.

They have struck on Motor Sich and on our Khmelnytskyi Oblast.

Some of the missiles were shot down. Thank you for this to our air defence soldiers."

Details: Zelenskyy stressed that no matter how many such Russian attacks there were, "the enemy still won't benefit from these."

"No matter what, we will protect freedom for Ukraine, for all our people. And Russia's international law cannot be replaced by terror, crises, or any kind of intimidation. Literally, every week really gives the world strength to protect normal life," he said.


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