Rheinmetall plant producing modern IFVs opens in Hungary

Friday, 18 August 2023, 23:09

On Friday 18 August, a plant of the German Rheinmetall arms concern was officially opened in the city of Zalaegerszeg, Hungary.

Source: European Pravda with reference to the statement of the company.

Details: Rheinmetall plant, which the concern calls "Europe's most advanced plant for armoured vehicles", will produce the Lynx infantry fighting vehicle, "the most advanced IFV in the world".

The plant covers 33 hectares and contains a modern research centre. It already employs hundreds of workers and plans to create another 350 new jobs over the next few years, Rheinmetall says.

As part of the agreement with the concern, Hungary will receive 209 Lynx KF41 in seven models, as well as 18 combat support vehicles and 38 military trucks.

Armin Papperger, CEO of the concern, who attended the opening ceremony of the plant, called it "a sign of our close ties with the government and armed forces of Hungary, an EU partner and fellow NATO member state".

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, who was also in Zalaegerszeg, additionally announced the signing of an agreement with the Israeli company Uvision to create a joint venture in Hungary for the production of combat drones.

"Tastes may differ, but if I heard that a country was producing and developing military technology in cooperation with the Germans and Israelis, I would think twice about messing with it, and that is good news for all Hungarians," the local publication Telex quotes Orbán.

Rheinmetall is in the process of establishing a company in Ukraine together with the Ukrainian state-owned company Ukroboronprom, and will have a majority stake in it. Ammunition, armoured vehicles, as well as Panther main battle tanks will be made on the production line in Ukraine.

Subsequently, the plant is planned to produce up to 400 battle tanks per year and repair Fuchs armoured vehicles. In early July, it was reported that the joint venture would open over the next 12 weeks.

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