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Russian spy detained in Kyiv while searching for anti-aircraft systems near power facilities

Thursday, 17 August 2023, 11:24
Russian spy detained in Kyiv while searching for anti-aircraft systems near power facilities

The Security Service of Ukraine has detained a spy who leaked information about Ukrainian military bases to the Russian General Staff for money and also tried to detect air defence systems near power facilities in Kyiv.

Source: Office of the Prosecutor General press service; Security Service of Ukraine (SSU) press service

Details: Investigation reports say that the man began to cooperate with Russian General Staff intelligence in June 2023. He gave them information about the units of the Defence Forces and energy infrastructure in Kyiv in exchange for money. The SSU reports that the Russians were mostly interested in Ukrainian Armed Forces repair bases, where they maintain and repair Ukrainian equipment.

Quote from SSU: "Available data indicates that the enemy secret services hoped that during the gathering of intelligence data, their accomplice would be able to find the locations of Ukrainian air defence systems near power facilities.

More details: The SSU caught the Russian agent red-handed when he was filming a military base of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and linking its GPS coordinates to a digital map.

The SSU reports that the spy turned out to be a 23-year-old resident of Odesa who had moved to Kyiv in search of "a quick buck". The special service says that he sent his CVs to many sites where people search for odd jobs.

This is how the Russian military intelligence reached out to him. Communication was carried out via a messenger app. The traitor created several anonymous accounts for conspiracy purposes.

He was detained while filming a military base in Kyiv. During the searches, bank cards and a mobile phone containing evidence were seized from him. He has been remanded in custody. The SSU reports that the offender faces life sentence.


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