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Russian archaeologists look for "evidence" of Chersonesos belonging to Russia

Wednesday, 19 July 2023, 15:27
Russian archaeologists look for evidence of Chersonesos belonging to Russia

Russian archaeologists and collaborators are excavating in the occupied Crimea at the site of the ancient Greek city of Chersonesos, looking for "evidence" of its belonging to Russia.

Source: National Resistance Center 

Quote: "Excavations of a Ukrainian monument of national importance on the site of the ancient Greek city of Chersonesos are underway on the temporarily occupied Crimean peninsula.


Russian archaeologists and local collaborators are carrying out excavations under the supervision of the military. The main task facing the robbers of the historical monument is to prove the "belonging of the city to the Russian Federation." 

Details: The Center adds that the occupiers want to prove that Chersonesos was actually inhabited by Slavs and was called the city of Korsun.

In the future, as the centre assumes, Russian propaganda will "draw a line" to Kyivan Rus, whose heir it considers itself. This will allegedly allow the occupiers not only to "justify their right to the peninsula" but also to level the history of the Crimean Tatars as "an insignificant stage in the history of Crimea".

Russian historians can resort to the deliberate destruction of Greek heritage in that area. The Center reports that many artefacts are being exported to the Russian Federation, and systematic looting and destruction of monuments are ongoing.

The National Resistance Center points out that the Nazis also excavated the peninsula during World War II, looking for evidence that Crimea was German land.

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