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Russia forms new urban combat units – ISW

Friday, 7 April 2023, 07:52
Russia forms new urban combat units – ISW

The Institute for the Study of War has reported that Russian military commanders are now forming specialised company-size Storm-Z units to be deployed in urban combat and to capture key Ukrainian strongholds.

Source: ISW report on 6 April 2023

Details: The ISW cited information obtained by an anonymous Ukrainian reserve officer, whom the ISW called a "reliable" source. According to this information, Storm Z companies appear to be formed of newly recruited reservists. 


Each Storm-Z company allegedly comprises 100 personnel and is "intended to conduct urban combat operations or operations in complicated geographic areas to capture important and strategic objects such as strongholds, command posts, and communication centres".

According to the ISW, the new companies "will likely primarily deploy along the Avdiivka–Donetsk City frontline, where Southern Military District (SMD) units are heavily committed to continuously unsuccessful offensive operations".

The ISW added that "the personnel that staff these companies receive 10 to 15 days of refresher training, a remarkably short amount of time to adequately train personnel (even reservists with some experience) to perform complex combat tasks and create unit cohesion".

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