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Mass grave of Wagnerites found in Russia

Friday, 17 March 2023, 14:52
Mass grave of Wagnerites found in Russia

A cemetery has been discovered in the Sverdlovsk Oblast of Russia, where at least 67 Wagnerites were recently buried, including those who should be serving their sentences in prison.

Source: Zolotaya Gorka news outlet; Russian editorial office of BBC

Details: The graves were discovered last week. As local media report, residents near the town of Berezovsky saw 67 fresh graves, each with a black, red and yellow wreath bearing the Wagner Private Military Company emblem and wreaths in the colours of the Russian flag with a double-headed eagle.


Employees of the funeral service explained to journalists that the dead whose relatives could not be found were brought to this cemetery. As they report, after the death, they search for relatives for three days, and if they cannot find them, they take them to the location where they were "given a place" in Russia.

The video shows the names of the buried people. The media found that at least four people with the same data were serving sentences for serious crimes.

According to the case files, one buried person killed a World War II veteran and stole four medals from her, and another tried to kill his partner for "obscene insults". The third buried person was convicted of drunken murder, and the fourth of 11 thefts.


In addition, the BBC reports that, based on open sources, it was possible to identify the names of 17,375 Russian soldiers who died in Ukraine.

In total, the names of 2092 deceased convicts of Russian penal colonies have been identified. There have been at least 1,000 of them since the beginning of the year. Over 400 more have been reported dead in the last two weeks alone. Judging by the obituaries, most of them were participants in the battles for Bakhmut.

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