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Occupiers shell Chernihiv Oblast: over 10 explosions within 15 minutes

Wednesday, 18 January 2023, 14:16
Occupiers shell Chernihiv Oblast: over 10 explosions within 15 minutes

In the afternoon of 18 January, Russian occupiers shelled the border areas of Chernihiv Oblast with mortars: a total of 11 airstrikes were recorded in 15 minutes.

Source: Operational Command Pivnich (North) on Facebook

Quote: "From 11:05 to 11:20, information was received about 11 strikes, presumably from an 82-mm mortar, in the area of ​​Buchky village."


Details: Operational Command Pivnich (North) specified that there were no losses among personnel and equipment. No information was received about any losses among the local population or any damage to civilian infrastructure.

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