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Secretary of Ukraine’s Security Council: Russia could become colony of neighbouring countries, it is very dangerous

Sunday, 1 January 2023, 20:30
Secretary of Ukraine’s Security Council: Russia could become colony of neighbouring countries, it is very dangerous

Oleksii Danilov, Secretary of the National Security and Defence Council, has warned that Russia could become a "colony" of one of its neighbouring countries, a situation that could be very dangerous. 

Sources: Danilov on air during the 24/7 national joint newscast

Quote: "If anyone thinks that 2023 is going to be easy, that the Russians have run out of everything, and everything will be fine - I do not share this point of view. The deal is that Russians might acquire owners. 


Today we are observing that a certain neighbouring country is gradually taking over the Russian Federation for itself because it has its own interests there. And this is a very, very dangerous tendency for the entire world, including us."

Details: When asked whether he meant China by this, the Secretary of the National Security and Defence Council replied: "I mean those processes that are happening. You need to pay very close attention to them."

Danilov has stated that Kyrylo Budanov, Chief of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine, "is right, Russia has enough missiles left for one and a half or two large-scale attacks of 100-120 missiles."

"But we bear in mind that they might make unexpected ‘friends’, and Russia could become a colony," he warned. 

Danilov was asked whether countries of the Collective Security Treaty Organisation (CSTO) were a threat to Ukraine. He replied: "CSTO to us is like something wet burning. This is not a frightening situation for us, we would deal with this. I am talking about much more complicated things - countries that have nuclear weapons, with which Russia could exchange nuclear technologies for missiles that Russia needs."

Danilov also believes that mobilisation in Russia can become a great challenge for Ukraine. 

"If they call men up according to the plan they have and they obtain weapons that unexpected partners may provide them with, it will be a great, great challenge for us," he said.

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