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Ukrainians believe military success is joint result of Ukraine and the West

Monday, 26 September 2022, 12:28
Ukrainians believe military success is joint result of Ukraine and the West

MONDAY, 26 SEPTEMBER 2022, 12:28 

Approximately 80% of Ukrainians consider the current success of the Ukrainian army to be the result of joint efforts by Ukraine and its Western partners, though half of them believe that the Ukrainians’ contribution to these achievements is the main one.

Source: results of a phone survey conducted by the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology (KIIS) on 15-22 September 


Details: In September 2022, Ukraine achieved significant success in the counteroffensive in Kharkiv Oblast. Sociologists wanted to find out how Ukrainians evaluate the contribution of Western countries and correlate it with the contribution made by Ukraine itself. Respondents were able to choose replies ranging from "exclusively due to the actions of Ukraine and Ukrainians" to "exclusively due to the West’s help", with three other options in between.

For 80% of Ukrainians, the success of the Ukrainian army is a shared achievement and the joint result of the actions of Ukraine/Ukrainians and Western support. 

40% of Ukrainians give some preference to Ukraine and Ukrainians making the most significant contribution; 36% see it as equal contributions by both Ukraine/Ukrainians and the West, and 5% give some preference solely to the West. 

10% of respondents thought success was solely due to the actions of Ukraine and Ukrainians, while 3% referred to the exclusive role of Western support. 

In all regions of Ukraine, the vast majority of respondents (77-82%) consider the success of the Ukrainian army to be the result of joint efforts by Ukraine and its Western partners.

Anton Hrushetskyi, Deputy Executive Director of KIIS, has concluded that the absolute majority of Ukrainians perceive the support of the West and believe that the recent victories are joint ones. Hrushetskyi added that Western help is "not just an act of ‘charity’, but participation in joint historic achievements and victories".

He also pointed out that 73% of Ukrainians believe that the West is not tired and wants Ukraine to win on terms that are acceptable for this country. 

Hrushetskyi added that since Russia is conducting sham referendums contrary to the real mood of the population of the occupied territories, and plans to annex them, it is crucial to continue to help Ukraine and increase support.

For information: During 15-22 September 2022, KIIS conducted its own nationwide public opinion survey, called Omnibus. 2,002 respondents living in all regions of Ukraine, except for Crimea and occupied areas of Donetsk and Luhansk Oblasts (ORDLO), were interviewed using computer-assisted telephone interviewing (CATI), based on a random sample of mobile phone numbers. Citizens that fled Ukraine after 24 February 2022 were not included in the sample. 

In normal circumstances, the margin of error of such a sample (with a 0.95 probability and considering 1.1 design effect) would not exceed 2.4% for indicators close to 50%; 2.1% for indicators close to 25%; 1.5% for indicators close to 10%; and 1.1% for indicators close to 5%.

In wartime conditions, apart from the abovementioned formal margin of error, a certain systematic deviation is added, too. As the occupiers are disabling telephone networks at the moment, a smaller number of respondents living in occupied settlements were interviewed (2.5-4% in May 2022; currently 0.3%), KIIS reports.

Sociologists believe that even though the views of respondents who have lived under occupation varied, the general tendencies were quite similar, so the impossibility of interviewing such respondents now does not affect the quality of the results.

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