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Traitor arrested for sending Russians coordinates of Ukrainian army positions in border area of Chernihiv Oblast

Monday, 19 September 2022, 13:26
Traitor arrested for sending Russians coordinates of Ukrainian army positions in border area of Chernihiv Oblast


The Counterintelligence unit of the Security Service of Ukraine has arrested a woman, the resident of a village in a border area in Chernihiv Oblast; she provided Russians with information about the movement and deployment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the region.

Source: press service of the Security Service of Ukraine; Prosecutor’s Office in Chernihiv Oblast


Details: According to the investigation, after the full-scale Russian invasion started, a 32-year old woman established connections with the occupiers.

She continued to collaborate with Russians even after the territory was liberated.

Within the period of August-September 2022, she collected the data about the deployment of the defence forces, locations of ammunition and weapons’ storage sites, locations of checkpoints, as well as movement of military convoys.


The perpetrator transferred the collected data to the occupiers for a cash reward, using a messenger app.


During searches, law enforcement officers seized communication devices; there was a chat with a Russian secret services representative on one of these devices.

At the moment, the Security Service of Ukraine notified the woman that she was under suspicion, and detained her.

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