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Chechen leader Kadyrov now officially suspect in Ukraine

Friday, 26 August 2022, 15:10
Chechen leader Kadyrov now officially suspect in Ukraine


Investigators of the Security Service of Ukraine officially recognized President Ramzan Kadyrov of Chechnya as a suspect based on three articles of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

Source: the website of Security Service of Ukraine 


Details: Kadyrov was suspected according to following articles:

  • Article 437, Part 2 (planning, preparation, starting and waging aggressive war);
  • Article 110, Part 3 (conducting deliberate actions that seek altering the borders of the territory of Ukraine and violating the order established by the Constitution of Ukraine, which led to death of people and other grave consequences);
  • Article 436-2, Part 3 (justifying, recognizing the armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine started in 2014, justifying, recognizing the temporary occupation of a part of the territory of Ukraine, as well as the glorification of persons who carried out the armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine that started in 2014).

Two associates of Kadyrov also became suspects, namely Daniil Martinov, deputy head of the Directorate of the Federal Service of the National Guard of the Russian Federation for the Chechen Republic, and Hussein Mezhidov, the commander of the tactical group of the 249th Detached Motorised Battalion Yug (South) of the 46th Detached Operative Brigade of the Northern Caucasus district of the National Guard of the Russian Federation.

It was documented that in February-March 2022, Kadyrov personally was in charge of orchestrating and planning separate military operations of these subdivisions; he gave orders and listened to commanders’ reports.

Martinov is a former FSB agent. Now, he is responsible for Kadyrov’s personal security after the Chechen leader refused from the FSB-provided guard.

It was discovered that on 5 March 2022, Martinov himself was in charge of occupying the Borodianka Psychoneurological Boarding School with geriatric department. On his orders:

  • Almost 500 people were held captive (patients, staff and locals), among them over a hundred of bedridden patients;
  • Approaches to the building were mined, and the facility itself was turned into the occupiers’ firing position.

Within the period from 25 February to 13 March, Hussein Mezhidov ordered 200 residents of Hostomel town to be held as hostages; they were forced to stay in the cellars of apartment buildings.

Among them were women, the elderly and minors. Those captives who died from the poor conditions (dampness, cold, shortage of water, food and medicine) were buried right away near the apartment building.

Both Martinov and Mezhidov are accused of:

  • holding civilians hostage;
  • violating the rules of treating civilians;
  • using civilians as a "human shield";
  • Hussein Mezhidov is also accused of robbing civilians and looting civilian facilities.

Martinov and Mezhidov are accused according to Article 438, Part 1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (violating laws and traditions of war, cruel treatment of prisoners of war or civilians).

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