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The war must end with liberation of Crimea, prosecution of all initiators of so-called "special operation" – Podoliak

Saturday, 13 August 2022, 15:56
The war must end with liberation of Crimea, prosecution of all initiators of so-called special operation – Podoliak


The war that Russia started in Ukraine in 2014 should end with the liberation of Crimea and the prosecution of all the initiators of the so-called "special operation".

Source: Mykhailo Podolyak, the adviser to the Head of the Office of the President on Twitter


Quote from Podoliak: "Russia started war against Ukraine in 2014 with Crimea seizure. Obviously, it must end with Crimea liberation and legal punishment of "special military operation" initiators, whose names are recorded in RF Security Council protocol dated 21 February."  


  • Earlier, Oleksii Reznikov, the Minister of Defence of Ukraine stated that Russia would not be able to avoid responsibility, and asked the countries that participate in the Ukraine Defence Contact Group (the "Rammstein" format) to delegate military law experts and war crimes specialists to help Ukraine punish Russian criminals.
  • On 12 August, the Defence Forces of Ukraine issued a joint statement to draw the world's attention to the situation of Ukrainian prisoners of war, primarily the defenders of Mariupol; the Russian authorities are preparing a sham "trial" against them, breaching all laws, rules and customs of war.

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