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Russia strikes Mykolaiv with 6 S-300 missiles – Mykolaiv Military Administration

Saturday, 23 July 2022, 09:02
Russia strikes Mykolaiv with 6 S-300 missiles – Mykolaiv Military Administration


On the morning of 23 July, Russian forces launched six missiles on the city of Mykolaiv using S-300 cruise missile systems. A fire broke out at a storage facility as a result of the attack.

Source: Vitalii Kim, head of the Mykolaiv Oblast Military Administration, on Telegram


Quote: "Around 04:20 on 23 July, the enemy struck the city with six S-300 missiles. A fire broke out at a storage facility and dry grass caught on fire in an open area as a result of the attack."

Details: The head of the Oblast Military Administration added that the rest of the missiles hit the outskirts of the city.

According to preliminary information, there are no casualties. The details are being confirmed.


  • Oleksandr Sienkevych, Mayor of Mykolaiv, reported that several powerful explosions were heard in the city of Mykolaiv on the morning of 23 July.
  • British intelligence reported that Russia has increased its use of air defence missiles in a secondary ground attack mode because of critical shortages of dedicated ground-attack missiles.
