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Odesa Oblast: 6 injured in Russian missile attack

Tuesday, 19 July 2022, 05:00
Odesa Oblast: 6 injured in Russian missile attack

TUESDAY, 19 JULY 2022, 05:00

Six civilians – including a child – were injured in a Russian missile attack on Odesa Oblast.

Source: Serhii Bratchuk, spokesman for Odesa Oblast Military Administration, on Telegram


Details: On the night of 18-19 July, Russia launched seven Kalibr cruise missiles on Odesa Oblast from the Black Sea waters. One of the missiles was intercepted by Ukrainian air defence systems, and the other six hit a village, causing a fire to break out. The fire, which spread over an area of 300 square metres, has already been extinguished. 

Quote from Bratchuk: "The strike caused damage. Three private houses and two outbuildings caught on fire. Other several private houses, cars, a school and a community hall were damaged."
