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Mykolaiv attack: 9 rockets damage hotel, shopping mall and schools

Thursday, 14 July 2022, 09:11
Mykolaiv attack: 9 rockets damage hotel, shopping mall and schools


During an attack on the city of Mykolaiv on the morning of Thursday, 14 July, Russian rockets hit a hotel in the city centre and damaged the building of a shopping and entertainment mall, two educational establishments and other public facilities. 

Source: Oleksandr Sienkevych, mayor of Mykolaiv, on Telegram; Mykolaiv Oblast Military Administration on Telegram


Quote from Sienkevych: "City centre. Mykolaiv Hotel. The building of the shopping and entertainment mall across from it was also damaged by the shock wave and debris."

Details: The mayor added that municipal workers are working at the site of the attack.

They have already cleared the road from debris to allow cars to pass through. The rest of the surrounding area is currently being cleared from the rubble, too.

According to the Mykolaiv Oblast Military Administration, Russian occupying forces fired 9 rockets on the city, damaging two educational establishments and a transport infrastructure facility. One person was injured.

Earlier: On the morning of 14 July, Sienkevych reported that explosions were heard during an air-raid siren in Mykolaiv, and that Russian forces have once again targeted a number of civilian objects in the city.
