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"Humiliation and fear": video shows filtration process at Mariupol checkpoints

Tuesday, 12 July 2022, 12:42
Humiliation and fear: video shows filtration process at Mariupol checkpoints

"Ukrainska Pravda" – TUESDAY, 12 JULY 2022, 12:42

A video showing how filtration took place in Mariupol at the beginning of the occupation was published on the Internet for the first time.

Source: Petro Andryushchenko, Advisor to the Mayor of Mariupol, on Telegram


Details: The video shows a humiliating body examination which included undressing. In particular, the occupiers searched Ukrainians for tattoos "similar to Azov tattoos" and checked mobile phones. The author of the video "blurred" the face of the soldier who conducted the inspection.

Quote from Petro Andryushchenko: " ‘How were people filtered and checked in Mariupol?’ is the most common question we hear from international journalists. For the first time, we will make public footage of how it had been happening at the beginning of the occupation right in Mariupol. Humiliation, mockery and fear of the occupiers."


In May, it became known that Russian occupiers were setting up new roadblocks on off-roads, which had been used to avoid Russian "filtration."

Russian occupiers steal cars belonging to residents of occupied Mariupol.
