ATH chairman in Mykolaiv region and 4 more Ukrainians released from Russian captivity

Friday, 10 June 2022, 19:43


Oleh Pylypenko, the head of the Shevchenkivska ATH (Amalgamated Territorial Community (hromada)  in the Mykolaiv region, has been released from Russian captivity.

Source: Chairman of the Mykolaiv Oblast Military Administration Vitalii Kim, the People's Deputy from Servants of the People Party Ihor Kopytin, "Novisti N" news publication

Vitalii Kim: "Today was the 11th [prisoner] exchange thanks to the Coordination Headquarters for Prisoners."

"Our ATH chairman Pylypenko, who had been abducted, was in captivity for over two months. We negotiated for a very long time."

Details: In turn, the People's Deputy from the Servant of the People Party Ihor Kopytin published a video with Pylypenko, who was released from captivity.

As the Mykolaiv news publication "Novosti N" writes, his wife Tatyana previously reported Pylypenko's disappearance. According to her, on 10 March, he went to deliver bread and did not return.

Kim later said that the exchange was conducted according to the "4 on 5" formula (four Russians, five Ukrainians).

He also published a video of the release of Ukrainians from captivity.