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Russia shells 2 of Ukraine’s border regions with mortars and multiple rocket launchers

Sunday, 8 May 2022, 21:48
Russia shells 2 of Ukraine’s border regions with mortars and multiple rocket launchers

Valentyna Romanenko – Sunday, 8 May 2022, 21:48

On the evening of 8 May, Russian troops shelled the border areas of Ukraine’s Sumy and Chernihiv Regions from the territory of the Russian Federation.

Source: State Border Guard Service of Ukraine


Details: 10 rockets launched by Russian volley fire systems from the territory of the Russian Federation exploded 3km away from Ukraine’s state border, in the Shostka District of the Sumy Region.

Russian troops also opened mortar fire on Chernihiv Region from the territory of Russia.

Several mortar shells detonated only 1.5 km away from Ukraine’s state border, on the outskirts of one of the villages of the Horodnia District.

According to the preliminary information of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, there were no casualties. This information is being confirmed.

Earlier: On 8 May, Russian troops launched a missile strike on the Shostka District of the Sumy Region and damaged a Jewish cemetery in Hlukhiv.
