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SSU: Russian Federal Security Service conducted a special operation against OSCE officers to show them as spies

Monday, 30 May 2022, 12:36
SSU: Russian Federal Security Service conducted a special operation against OSCE officers to show them as spies


The Security Service of Ukraine has established that Russian special services have carried out a series of provocations in the temporarily occupied areas of southern and eastern Ukraine to discredit the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE).

Source: Security Service of Ukraine 


Details: The Russians also wanted to make stage stories for the media to accuse OSCE staff of spying for the Security Service of Ukraine, to compromise the Mission and to question its objectivity.

To gather "evidence," the invaders broke into the homes of OSCE staff and "knocked out" compromising information.

For example, in the temporarily occupied Kherson, FSB officers [Russian Federal Security Service], forced a member of the OSCE Monitoring Mission to sign an "agreement on covert cooperation", videotaping it.

The occupiers abducted several other workers.

From 16 to 23 May, the FSB, threatening to kill, forced the OSCE staff to "testify" about the robbery of the office by alleged Ukrainian law enforcement officers.


A special monitoring mission of the OSCE in early March announced the termination of its work in Ukraine after its last field mission, based in Mariupol, was shelled by Russian troops.
