Russians clear rubble and remove bodies from Mariupol Drama Theatre - adviser to the mayor

Friday, 20 May 2022, 19:15


Petro Andriushchenko, adviser to the Mayor of Mariupol, said that Russian forces had completed clearing away the rubble and had removed the bodies of the dead from the city's Drama Theatre.

Source: Andriushchenko on Telegram

Quote: "Today (20 May - ed.) the occupiers have completed the removal of the rubble and have taken out the bodies of the dead from the Drama Theatre. The equipment has been removed, the area has been opened.

Now we will never know how many civilians from Mariupol were actually killed by a Russian bomb at the Drama Theatre.

The victims were buried under unnamed markers in a mass grave in Manhush."

Andriushchenko in Telegram


  • On 16 March, Russian troops dropped a heavy-duty bomb on the Mariupol Drama Theatre, where refugees who had lost their homes were hiding.
  • In April, it became known that the invaders were clearing the rubble of the bombed-out Drama Theatre in Mariupol, with the bodies found being taken to the village of Manhush, where they were piled into a trench.
  • An Associated Press investigation notes that the Russian attack on the Drama Theatre in Mariupol was in fact far more deadly than anticipated, killing some 600 people inside and outside the building.