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Ukrainian Armed Forces repulsed 11 attacks in the east, air defence shot down Russian aircraft

Monday, 16 May 2022, 21:53
Ukrainian Armed Forces repulsed 11 attacks in the east, air defence shot down Russian aircraft


On the Donetsk and Luhansk fronts, the Ukrainian military has repulsed 11 invaders’ attacks in one day. Fighting continues at 3 locations. Air defence shot down an aggressors’ Su-25 aircraft.

Source: Joint Forces Group, Skhid [East] Operational and Tactical Group


Details: On 16 May, the occupiers fired on 25 settlements in Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts, destroyed and damaged 42 residential buildings, a school, one higher education institution, one hotel and 6 industrial enterprises and factories. As a result of these shellings, 20 civilians were killed (including one child).

By 9 pm on Monday, Joint Forces had destroyed aggressors’ vehicles: 1 Tor anti-aircraft missile system; 5 tanks; 6 artillery systems (3 of them multiple rocket launchers); 12 units of combat armoured vehicles; 1 invaders’ car.

Air defence units shot down one aggressors’ plane (Su-25) and 3 Orlan-10 unmanned aerial vehicles in the skies over Ukrainian Donbas.

In the area of ​​responsibility of the Skhid [East] operational and tactical group on Monday, Russian troops carried out 8 attacks. Ukrainian artillery inflicted fire damage on personnel and equipment. In addition, an ammunition depot was destroyed.

Enemy losses are: personnel - up to 178; tanks - 5; armoured combat vehicles - 7; armoured vehicles - 2; armoured fighting vehicles- 2; multiple rocket launchers - 3; artillery systems - 1; mortars - 2; AT-T heavy artillery tractors - 5; and UAV - 1.
