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National Guardsmen destroyed Russian BMP-2, killed crew and displayed trophies

Sunday, 1 May 2022, 14:02
National Guardsmen destroyed Russian BMP-2, killed crew and displayed trophies


Soldiers of the National Guard destroyed a Russian infantry fighting vehicle, killed its crew and knocked out an enemy tank in the Kharkiv region.

Source: National Guard Press Centre 


Details: The previous evening, National Guard Special Forces soldiers noticed several pieces of enemy equipment with personnel still inside during a raid on one of the Izyum region locations.  

The Ukrainian defenders wasted no time in tackling the enemy. The guardsmen used the Ukrainian "Korsar" anti-tank missile system and opened fire with machine guns.

The targets were hit: the commandos destroyed the enemy soldiers’ amphibious infantry fighting vehicle (BMP-2), killed its personnel and knocked out a tank.

Ukraine’s National Guard has released the following video.


A light armoured truck, Ural and KamAZ vehicles, as well as "Tornado" armoured car called  - this machinery is now being used by Ukrainian National Guardsmen to defend the eastern borders of our state.

It is noted that National Guard technicians not only repaired and reconditioned the vehicles, but also equipped them with the necessary weapons.
