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Kharkiv Region: 3 people killed by Russian shelling near Derhachi

Monday, 25 April 2022, 16:21
Kharkiv Region: 3 people killed by Russian shelling near Derhachi


As a result of Russian shelling on 25 April, three residents were killed in Bezruky village near Derhachi in the Kharkiv region.

Source: Suspilne, quoting the head of the Derhachi municipal community Viacheslav Zadorenko.


Zadorenko's quote: "[They fire] in the city of Derhachi and almost all settlements. They are firing with artillery, Grad multiple rocket launchers and mortars. There are destroyed houses almost all over the community, they are now on fire."

Details: A woman and two men were killed in Bezruky.

According to Zadorenko, the Russian occupiers have been shelling the villages of the community with artillery since 6 am.

Russian shells hit gas pipes, leaving about 2,500 households in northern Kharkiv without gas.

According to Zadorenko, there is currently no gas in the villages of Turove and Makarove in the Zolochiv municipal community; or the villages of Prudianka and Dubivka, or Kozacholopanska and Prudivska municipal communities.
