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Kharkiv Military Administration: concentration camp created on site of Kharkiv plant that was moved to Russia

Monday, 25 April 2022, 03:14
Kharkiv Military Administration: concentration camp created on site of Kharkiv plant that was moved to Russia

Olha Hlushchenko – Monday, 25 April 2022, 03:14

Russian occupying troops moved one of Kharkiv Region’s manufacturing plants to Russia and created a concentration camp and a torture chamber on its premises.

Source: Oleh Syniehubov, Head of Kharkiv Regional Military Administration, on the 24/7 national joint newscast, cited in Ukrinform


According to Syniehubov: "In the plant’s premises they have created a prison; a real concentration camp where people are submitted to torture, forced to cooperate, to join the Russian Armed Forces."

Details: Syniehubov said that according to his sources, the concentration camp was created in one of the Vovchansk plants [Vovchansk is a town in Kharkiv Region just south of the Russian border]. 

He added that Russian troops resorted to similar methods to "mobilise" local residents in the Russian-occupied Izyum.

Earlier: On Sunday, 24 April 2 civilians were killed and 14 wounded in Russian shelling of Kharkiv Region.
