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Ukraine negotiator and majority party leader explained why Russian troops should be taken prisoner

Saturday, 23 April 2022, 12:42
Ukraine negotiator and majority party leader explained why Russian troops should be taken prisoner

Iryna Balachuk – Saturday, 23 April 2022, 12:42

Davyd Arakhamia, who is a member of the Ukrainian delegation in talks with the Russian Federation and leader of the Sluha Narodu party [Sluha Narodu, or Servant of the People, is President Zelenskyy’s party and the majority party in the Verkhovna Rada, Ukraine’s Parliament], explained that Russian occupiers have to be taken prisoner in order to create an "exchange fund."

Source: Davyd Arakhamia on Facebook


According to Arakhamia: "I see a lot of comments from angry Ukrainians about why take prisoners.

Understand the emotions, I recently had the same position, but we all need to understand that every captive enemy is a potential life of our hero in exchange."

Details: Arakhamia added that long-range artillery combat makes it much more difficult to capture prisoners, resulting in "issues with replenishing our prisoner exchange fund."

He also noted that prisoner exchange is the remit of a special centre that is part of the Security Service of Ukraine.
